Thursday, April 3, 2014

Henry & Mary White's Children, 1850

Missouri Map from FamilySearch

In 1850, Henry White was enumerated in Henry County (highlighted in pink), not far from the Missouri state line. This was not just the Missouri border: it was also the boundary of the United States. Kansas became a territory in 1852: it did not become a state until 1861. In 1850, the White's lived on the edge of civilization, the frontier of the United States.

Map of Henry County, Missouri

According to the 1850 census, Henry was enumerated in Grand River Township, named for the largest river in Henry County. This township is now extinct, but it was originally located in the southeast corner of the county, now Osage Township. Three children were enumerated with Henry, but only two were the right age to be Sarah's children: David and Rebecca. For a theory on Oliver White's parents, see this post and this post.

1850 Henry County, Missouri
Henry White Sr.

Three White families lived near Henry Sr. The heads were John, Joseph, and Henry Jr. They are all found on the same census page as Henry Sr.

1850 Henry County, Missouri
John White 

1850 Henry County, Missouri
Joseph White 

1850 Henry County, Missouri
Henry White Jr.

The last paragraph on page 481 of The History of Henry County, Missouri by Uel W. Lamkin presents the only known biography of Henry White--in two sentences! The 1850 census shows Henry's birthplace as Virginia while this book says Pennsylvania. Many early families immigrated to Virginia from Pennsylvania on the Philadelphia Wagon Road, so either birthplace could be possible.

Also, according to this biography, Henry White had a son named Eli. He is nowhere to be found in Henry County, Missouri in 1850. The same paragraph later mentions that Eli was prospecting for gold in California in 1849.

The 1850 California census showing an Eli White came with a bonus--Jacob White. With this additional census, most of Henry and Mary's children are identified in 1850.

1850 Cosumnes River, El Dorado, California
Jacob & Eli White

Pieced together, the 1850 census gives the following information for Henry and Mary's children:
Joseph White, 35, Virginia;
John White, 29, Ohio;
Jacob White, 28, Ohio;
Henry White Jr., 25, Ohio;
Eli White, 25, Ohio  (the 1860 census says 34);
David White, 20, Ohio;
Rebecca White, 18, Ohio.

Consulting the 1856 list of plaintiffs/heirs, Margaret White and Noah White are the only two children who haven't been located in 1850.

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