Henry White's living heirs in 1856 are identified through a lawsuit brought by his son, Jacob White. Henry's heirs were the plaintiffs named in the lawsuit. I have added birth information inside brackets for each person listed in this lawsuit. Only the list of plaintiffs will be discussed today, but the entire court transcription is found here.
Family History Library Film #946608, Henry County Missouri,
Court Records Missouri. Circuit Court (Henry County) Vol A-B, 1835-1858
Henry County, Missouri County Court Minutes Book B--Jacob White vs Mary White et al, continued
p. 257
Adjournment May Term 1856
Jacob White [18 September 1823] Plaintiff
Mary White [9 Dec 1891],
Joseph White [1815],
John White [abt. 1821],
Joseph White [1815],
John White [abt. 1821],
Eli White [8 Oct 1827],
David White [abt. 1830],
David White [abt. 1830],
Noah White,
Margaret White [abt. 1835],
Margaret White [abt. 1835],
Beniah N White [12 Mar 1835],
Oliver White [abt. 1844],
Oliver White [abt. 1844],
Mary Ann White [abt. 1839],
Mary E White [1850]
and Mariah White [27 April 1853]
This list was not arranged in chronological order. If it had been chronological, Mary Ann White would be listed before Oliver White. Also, the last two names indicate that this list is not strictly comprised of Henry Sr.'s children. According to the 1850 and 1860 Henry County, Missouri censuses, Mary E. and Mariah White were grandchildren, daughters of Henry White Jr.
Is this list first sorted into Henry's living children/children of Henry's deceased children, then male/female, then maybe local/non-local, then chronological order?
During the proceedings, Jacob White named Henry and Mary White as his parents. The first person on the plaintiff list, Mary White, was, of course, Jacob's Mother. The next names--her sons--were listed in age order, oldest first: Joseph White, John White, Eli White, and David White.
I'm not familiar with Noah White. Was he listed last because he was younger than David, or was he listed at this point because the other sons lived locally in Henry County, Missouri and he did not?
Sons, Christian and Henry Jr. had already passed away and were not listed.
Margaret White came next. According to the lawsuit, she was Henry White's daughter, and after Henry's death, Jacob was to care for her. She was the only child mentioned in this arrangement. Does her placement here indicate the last of Henry Sr.'s children? Margaret and Beniah N. White seem to be nearly the the same age: I don't know which one was born first.
Beniah N. White's parents have long been a mystery. Both Henry Sr. and Christian White had sons who were Beniah's age in the 1840 Census. Oliver White was listed next after Beniah N. My guess is that Beniah N. and Oliver were the sons of Christan White, grouped together as his male heirs. Mary Ann was listed after them, possibly indicating the last of Christian's surviving children.
Mary E. and Mariah White appear at the very end of the list. Since their father, Henry Jr., was younger than Christian, I believe his children were listed last.
Currently, I feel this list shows three families in 1856: Henry Sr.'s, Christian's, and Henry Jr.'s. Noah White is still not identified, but I have a favorite candidate to put forward in the future.
Evidence might turn up anytime to prove me wrong. In the meantime, I welcome your suggestions if you have a different opinion on how to interpret this list.